With over 30 years of experience as an educator, Joleigh is dedicated to reshaping classrooms and systems through asset-based teaching practices that celebrate the strengths of every learner. From her groundbreaking curriculum design to her national leadership in mathematics education and equity, Joleigh’s work empowers educators and leaders to create meaningful, inclusive learning experiences.
Contact us below if you are interested in more information on Joleigh’s keynote presentations or consulting in your school or organization.
Joleigh Honey has 30-plus years of experience as a mathematics educator. Her experience includes being a classroom teacher, academic coach, specialist, building administrator, K-12 district and state level mathematics supervisor, and the PK-12 STEM Coordinator and Equity Specialist for the state of Utah.
She writes task-based instruction curriculum at the high school level, is the author of Transform Your Math Class Using Asset-based Perspectives, supports states with standards and pathways implementation and policy through the Dana Center at the University of Texas, Austin, and designs/provides professional learning services to educators and leaders nationally.
She is the Immediate Past President of the Association of State Supervisors of Mathematics (ASSM), serves on the Executive Board of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and on the Executive Committee of the Conference Board for Mathematical Sciences (CBMS).
Over the years, she has focused on student engagement and ensuring all students, including students with disabilities, have access to and success with meaningful mathematics.
Math educators are, by definition, STEM educators. Through the conversations and activities of this session, and with attention to the unique components of math as situated in the STEM learning space, educators will:
understand three aspects that comprise one’s identity in STEM: a sense of capability, a sense of belonging, and a sense of purpose;
explore the impact of educators’ STEM identities as well as students’ STEM identities on student learning, achievement, and motivation;
create an action plan for changes to professional practice that create better learning outcomes.
Are you a system shifter? Have you ever left a meeting feeling overwhelmed by the barriers that sucked up all of the air in the room? Do you ever think, "There has to be a better (more effective, more efficient, more ???) way!" but then have to run to the next thing? This session provides:
Guidance on how to transform meetings and remove barriers
Support on coaching effective instructional practices that produce results and
Opportunity to reflect on how to start using asset-based perspectives to transform your system (structural, cultural, and instructional routines).
Joleigh Honey has over 30 years of experience in a variety of roles in mathematics education and has made significant impact working with state and district leaders to transform mathematics education. Joleigh is known for consulting with state, district, and school leaders to:
Implement systemic changes to increase mathematics opportunities and outcomes for students with disabilities
Coaching to increase content and pedagogical knowledge
Consultation to examine and improve IEP’s (including using asset-based perspectives to shift PLAFFP language and using student choice when writing effective IEP goals)
Create progress monitoring rubrics that Work! Student’s learn concepts more deeply and have a breadth of understanding the major concepts using grade level content
Modify high school courses so that students have better results and teachers have more joy in their work.
Are you ready to foster a love of mathematics by creating a more inclusive and empowering learning environment through asset-based teaching?
An asset-based perspective on math education means starting with what students already know instead of focusing on what’s missing.
This approach elevates student thinking and reasoning skills. In this way, educators acknowledge that all students bring prior experiences, strengths, talents, and resources to the learning process and can contribute meaningfully in an authentic learning environment.
If you are ready to transform Your Math Class Using Asset-Based Teaching get your copy today!
Contact us to book Joleigh Honey as a speaker for your next event or to learn about consulting for your school, or organization.
Email us at joleighhoney@gmail.com
Transforming Systems and Classrooms Using Asset Based Teaching
© 2025 Joleigh Honey